
Investment lessons from the Corona Pandemic.

investment lessons

Investment Lessons From The Corona Pandemic. These past few weeks have been the biggest stock market declines I have experienced since I started investing, with there being days where I was both petrified and euphoric. In this post I want to share a few lessons I learned from these events and in doing so analyse […]

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What a sale!

stock market crash

What a sale!!! The coronavirus phenomenon have been with us for the past couple of months but its severity and impact was only fully felt by the financial markets this past week with the indices in Europe and North America taking the biggest hits from the recent sell off. The Dow Jones index which composes […]

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The Future of Insurance Industry.

future of insurance industry

The insurance industry like any other industry has seen various changes over the past many decades due to changes in demographics, climate and technology. Going forward the next three years also pose many challenges and opportunities for the firms involved in the sector. One of the biggest changes I predict going forward would be the […]

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Basics of the Futures Market.

futures market

What are Futures? Futures contracts resemble gambling very much as it involves predicting the prices and market swings of different products and in particular commodities. The way in which these work is by two parties coming together and agreeing on the price of a commodity or a financial instrument for delivery at a future date. […]

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Basics of bonds


Introduction Bonds are financial instruments just like stocks. The main difference between these are that, bonds are debt as opposed to stocks which offer ownership. Bonds give out interest in the form of coupons. Bonds can be issued by government, corporations and various other institutions. Bonds have special characters and they are usually a safer […]

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Introduction to Stocks

stock market

Introduction Throughout the world the word stocks and shares have left individuals baffled and many think it is a complicated instrument which is traded on the financial markets and it is somehow the root cause of financial crashes. Stocks are financial instruments that gives an individual or institution, a share of the ownership of a […]

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Budget 2015

budget 2015

So another budget has come and gone and Britain’s economy looks more prosperous than ever. The conservative liberal democrat coalition looks to have turned around an economy which was badly hit by the global financial crisis of 2007-08. Chancellor George Osborne has delivered five previous budgets but none more important than this one as the […]

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An introduction to BRICS and MINT

brics and mint

To many of us BRICS AND MINT may sound like buildings and mouth fresheners but these words are a far cry from the buildings and the plants. BRICS & MINT are abbreviations for the emerging markets and who are on the verge of becoming major powers like  the Western nations that has dominated the world […]

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